Napa Heat Seeker

After a few years away from the supplement arena, Napa are back with great products and a bright future.

One of the products that they have brought back is Heat Seeker.....the weight management supplement and a product I have personally used during contest prep. 

This product is designed to give you maximum energy and focus using natural ingredients.

I use the product for a pre workout. Two capsules is the recommended dose and to be fair two capsules is all you will need.

From a focus standpoint this is works approximately 20 minutes after taking and you will be focused through out your workout. This is ideal for workouts after work to get you zoned in for the session you have planned.

From a standpoint of energy, you will feel energized to smash your workout and unlike pre workouts you do not have to drink a massive amount of water to mix it with,  which sometimes can make the you feel uncomfortable with all the fluid in your stomach. But please ensure you drink plenty of fluids during your workout.

Does Heat Seeker drive fat loss? It's always hard to say with fat burning / weight management supplements because without the correct diet plan in place all weight loss supplements would be useless. However this product does seem to raise your body temperature and as previously stated is ideal for increased energy output.

My take home from personal use of this product is to use it as a pre workout and use it to provide that extra energy when needed especially if in a diet phase and energy levels feel low. 

As with all supplements take advise from a medical professional before taking, especially if you have any health conditions. For more information and the ingredient breakdown of this product visit the Napa website:

In terms of scoring the product I would score it 10/10 for use pre workout and 7/10 for use for a weight management supplement.


ABE Pre Workout

Touted as the Ultimate Pre Workout I thought I would put this one through its paces. 

On paper it looks Ok, with key ingredients like creatine monohydrate, citrulline malate, caffeine and beta alanine. 

I've used the product in single dose and double dose. 

Single dose it was very average. The general kick from the 200mg of caffeine was ok but in all honesty a cup of coffee can do the same. The pump was very average and this in my opinion is because the citrulline malate in a one scoop serve is under dosed. It comes in at 4g and from personal experience and use of other supplements I personally believe 6g is a better dose to really take effect. The beta alanine did give the usual itchy feeling and I felt it served its purpose in reducing the onset of lactic acid buildup.

So onto two scoops and this is where the product goes from average to pretty decent. The pump is insane because we are now dealing with 8g of citrulline malate. Even during my warm up sets I felt the pump was coming. The extra caffeine boost also played a big part and the focus switch is turned up a level. The workout seemed in all more focused and generally more intense. 

But by doubling up to get the desired result you in fact take a 30 serve bottle down to 15 which then in essence boosts the price per serving up. 

One pet hate with this and a few other supplements is the use of taurine within the product which based on scientific study counter acts the effects of caffeine. So drop the taurine and boost the citrulline. 

All in all a mixed review of a supplement from a well established brand. My verdict 5/10 single serve, 7/10 double serve.
Average Price £21 per tub

Acid Melt - The Ultimate Fat Burner Review

Acid Melt by Hazard Core supplements is my current go to energy / fat burning supplement. 

I've been looking for a great energy supplement ever since Nappa went out of business and I couldn't get Heat Seeker and finally I have found the holy grail. 

Its key structure is around DMAA, Caffeine and Yohimbe with a multiple of other stimulant ingredients added for extra measure.

DMAA is the daddy though with 80mg in every capsule. It acts as a stimulant which increases thermogenesis and this is evident within 30 minutes of taking. You can literally feel the sweat coming off you. The biggest impact for me is the extreme focus it gives you. As a pre workout this is ideal. Its not a pump product but you will be laser like in the gym. 

Caffeine is at a reasonable dose of 175mg and combined with the DMAA its more than enough to ramp up the focus.

The final standout ingredient is Yohimbe which comes in at 25mg has bark extract and 5mg has Yohimbine HCL. Both work similar pathways when it comes to utilizing fat stores during exercise and again these act in a stimulating way. 

Claims and in some case studies do show that these ingredients do improve fat loss but for me the bonus is actually the stimulating effect to increase output in the gym for the purpose of working out. 

You will not burn fat if all the other contributing factors are not taken into account but this supplement will add a new increased energy focus when working out.

There are also a multitude of other ingredients added for good measure including Sulbutiamine, Alpha-GPC and Green Tea which all have stimulating effects.

A word of caution....DMAA is actually a banned supplement in any sport. Its also not recommended in any way for people who suffer from high blood pressure, heart problems, liver problems and you should always take a cautionary approach with any supplement.

So where will I use it? In my opinion this is an excellent focus supplement to use pre workout for the added focus and energy it gives. I also recommend this product throughout competition prep to give you the added energy when dieting. We all have those days where energy is rock bottom but this product will play its part in getting you through. 

Be aware though that with any great product you may react with a few unwanted side effects. In this case you will find a increased sweat output from the high stimulant effect. It will raise your heart rate and subsequently your blood pressure and yohimbine can cause anxiety in some users. So be aware that with the pros there will be the cons. 

If you want to give it a go then please take every caution and remember these are my own opinions and the choice is yours. 

A great outlet for the product is Supplements Protein Health | Ultimate Supplements (

